The Homework Guy New Car OTD Price Email Template

A car salesman is holding out his hands to the window.

After first calling the dealership, doing a test drive, and going home, get the Salesman’s email address and and send them the following email– after replacing the indicated values (we have a form to auto-complete this for you here):

Thanks for helping me with the test drive on the {{ vehicle }}. It’s a good vehicle, and I’m in agreement that ${{ price }} is a good price.

To move forward, I would like the following information from you:

  1. Confirm the price of ${{ price }}
  2. List any additional fees you want me to pay that are not detailed on the vehicle invoice. 
  3. Any dealer add-ons or products I will be required to pay for?  
  4. List of any rebates or incentives currently offered on this vehicle using my zip code {{ zip code }}
  5. A final OTD (Out the Door) Price including taxes, incentives, and all fees. 
  6. If you’re a cash buyer, also ask this: If I make a substantial down payment, do you accept personal checks?

I’ll be interested in hearing what your finance office has to offer if I decide to purchase this vehicle from you.

Thank You! 

{{ Your Name }}

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Your Name(Required)
Name to sign the email with.
Your email to send the filled out template to.
Zip code for the which the salesman can check for rebates and incentives.
The vehicle you’re interested in. Include all necessary details to properly identify the vehicle you’re interested in, e.g. year, make, model, color, etc.
Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.
Payment Method(Required)